Saturday, July 8, 2023

Answered Prayer

I now have a job!

God has answered my prayers!

A month ago the company I was working for decided to eliminate my position.  Without any warning I was suddenly let go.  For the first time in my adult life, I didn’t have a job. I will admit that I freaked out a bit.  Fortunately I had some resources but time was running out.  

In the end, God ordered my steps to a place that I never expected.  Not only that but the new job pays more than the one which laid me off.  

I am overwhelmed.  God did this. 

It wasn’t my doing.  When I was laid off I contacted another company and assumed they were going to hire me.  They were interested but they dragged the process.  That delay led me to the job I was just hired for.  

The past month was an emotional rollercoaster ride. I had some moments of intense panic but I also placed my trust in God.  Every day on my morning walk, I would ask God to open any doors that need to be opened and close doors that needed to be closed.  It’s painful to pray that because you simply don’t know what’s going to happen.  There were days when I had interviews and felt positive and then there were many days when I heard nothing and had absolutely no jobs to apply for.  Those days were rough.  

I am so thankful where I am now as I type this.  I like this part of prayer when it has been answered.  For a month I had that scared feeling in my gut.  Today I can breathe again knowing that God has answered my prayer.