Thursday, May 26, 2022

What Are "Thoughts and Prayers" Worth?

As we witness the news in the aftermath of the school shooting in Texas, people once again offer their "thoughts and prayers", but do you know what that's worth?

Absolutely nothing.

Thoughts and prayers without action mean nothing to these people.  I know most people mean well when they say the victims and families are in their "thoughts and prayers" but it doesn't help.  Most only say those words and many don't even pray.  It just sounds good to say it.

Once when I was much younger, I went to church with a family whose daughter was tragically killed in an automobile accident.  It shocked us all.  Being young and naive I wanted to comfort the mother somehow so I said: "I know how you feel".  I stepped into it as she came back with promptly dressing me down on that statement and rightly telling me that I had no idea how she felt.  That experience taught me to do a better job of thinking before saying words of comfort to someone.  We all want to desperately help someone who is hurting and often say words that really don't bring comfort.

I think we are all quite fed up with these shootings that we see all too often on the news.  There are a lot of  "thoughts and prayers" being thrown around lately.  The thoughts and prayers only work if something is done.  The thoughts and prayers don't bring back people who have been brutally murdered by some deranged person with an assault rifle.  

The "thoughts" only last until the days pass and the story is old news until the next tragic event happens.  The "prayers" may or may not even be prayed.  It all just sounds righteous and pretty.  I believe in prayer and if I tell you I am going to say a prayer for you, you can be assured I will.  I don't just throw it around lightly.  

It has to be more than idle words.  Most of the times, it is just best to say nothing and just be there for when someone needs you.  Doing something means much more than saying something.

Pope Francis once said that "prayer that doesn't lead to concrete action toward our brothers is a fruitless and incomplete prayer.  Prayer and action must always be profoundly united."  

I'm still very troubled that the average citizen is allowed to possess an assault rifle.  No one should have a need for those types of weapons.  I know.  I know we're talking about someone's "rights" to bear arms, but I don't think that is the same thing.  Things are out of control.  We need to do something, or we will be hearing the same "thoughts and prayers" used again.  

Thoughts and Prayers mean nothing without action.