Saturday, December 23, 2023

God is with US!

There is NO better gift than to know that God is with us.

This is what the prophets foretold of the arrival of Jesus on that first Christmas morning:

“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”). Matthew 1:23

Jesus fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy because He was literally “God with us”; He was fully human yet still fully God. Christ came to live in Israel with His people, as Isaiah had foretold. Matthew recognized Jesus as Immanuel, the living expression of the Incarnation—the miracle of the Son of God becoming a human and making His home among us so that He could reveal God to us. Jesus was God with us, manifested in human flesh.

What an awesome thing to know that God is with us!

Now I will be honest with you and admit that it would be even better if God was with us physically so that we could relate to Him better. It would certainly make things easier, but God transcends anything in this physical world. Even the most brilliant of minds can't explain Him. He's everywhere at the same time. How can that be?

Even when Jesus left, He still sent His Spirit to be with us in this world.

We are never alone! We may feel alone sometimes. I know I have been in that place but feeling alone doesn't mean God has left us alone. God has made it possible through His son, Jesus, that we could have an advocate to intercede for us. Even if He is not in physical form, His presence can be felt.

How can you know that God is with you?

Include Him in your life. Talk to Him. You can't know Him unless you make the effort to know Him.

Do I have to read a Bible to know Him? It certainly doesn't hurt but be sure that you find the right Bible for you understand. Not many of us speaks the King James English today so if you are going to get to know God, you need to find a Bible version that makes it easier for you to know Him.

Do I have to go to church? That depends. If you need people, it might be for you. You don't HAVE to go to church to know God. Again, if you need that, you need to pick the right church.

You don't have to be weird to know God either. There are too many weird people out there claiming that God speaks to them. He simply wants a relationship with us. This is why He sent Jesus so that the relationship with Him and mankind could be restored.

After you've exchanged gifts with your family and friends and the hype has passed, don't forgot about God's gift to us.