Wednesday, December 27, 2023

New Year's Writer's Reboot

There are a lot of times when my computer is slow or not functioning properly when I do that very high tech troubleshooting method of turning it off and back on again.  I always called it "burping" my computer.  Believe it or not, many times this fixes the problem.

We are back to that time on the calendar when we are getting ready to start a new year.  Many people will make New Year's Resolutions or other goals for the new year.  We all need a time to reboot our lives and reset our goals.  I know I do. 

I usually look at areas where I need to improve.  Unfortunately, even with the grandest of ideas I sometimes end up in the same place next year.

I often reflect on my writing.  I have self-published books, written articles and posted blogs in the past.  I have not achieved very much success with these hobbies.  In the beginning my writing goal was to make money, be famous or successful at it.  I have come to realize that these aren't going to happen so I have to set more realistic expectations for my writing.

I go from improving my online presence to not even having a presence at all.  Sometimes I wonder if I should just take it all down and write for myself.  Focus on personal writing rather than "putting it out there."  I recently had a negative comment made to my Facebook post and wasn't happy with it when I was reminded that if I am going to post something for the world to see that I need to be prepared for the haters to hate it.  

I used to live for the positive comments and compliments but I have come to accepting my writing for just me.  While I encouraged by the positive feedback, I am not in the place where I need to have that anymore.  My goal is - as it was many years ago when I published my first newsletter - it is to inspire people.  That is still my goal today.  There are way too many negative things out there today.  I don't want to contribute to that.  When I have written about spiritual things my motto has always been "a real God for real life".   I'm not one that will simply write a few Christian cliches and post Bible verses but I like to bring it down to where we live and I want to inspire others.

So what will I do in 2024?   I'm still pondering on that.  

I may write another book.  Like most writers, I always have book ideas swirling around in my head.  I even have several I have written that I haven't finished or edited.  I may even pull one of those back out.

Whatever I decide, I need to do it for me because there are so many writers out there now and books being published.  I can't compete with that.  I just need to do what I do and don't do it because I want to get something published....and let me just say....just because you publish a book doesn't mean that you've "made it."

So, this week I am doing the same deal with "unplugging and plugging back in" my creativity.  I need a reboot and see where I go from there.