Thursday, January 4, 2024

The Struggle Is Real

We all face struggles in our lives.  It's not always the same things.  We each have our own battles to fight. Some are emotional, some are spiritual, and some are physical.  To be totally honest with you there are times I really get tired of the struggle.  There's always something isn't there?  

But with each new year, there is a new start for all of us.  The main thing is to actually DO something about it.  Even if there are things we struggle with, we can learn how to manage and deal with it.  

There are many times that I don't think even God understands but I know it says that He is well acquainted with our griefs.  (Isaiah 53:3) The only problem is that we aren't God.  We will struggle with things.  

We have to decide to take care of ourselves.  We need to make the commitment to deal with our struggles.  It is not going to change by just wishing it would change.  

I have known some people who love to complain.  You offer them advice, yet they seem to enjoy the drama in their lives.  

God doesn't expect us to be spiritual superheroes, he wants us to be the best that we can be. I had a point many years ago when I heard the statement "Are you ready to be who you are?"   That question challenged me and eventually changed the course of my life.  Nobody understood that but me and what that meant to my life. 

We would all like to get to a place when we don't have to struggle with the pains of life but as long as we live in this world, we will have struggles.  (John 16:33)  That sounds depressing but it's just reality.  The good news is that we can have peace in the struggles we face.  I think sometimes we try to live too far into the future when we just live our lives with each step.  I often have morning headaches and some days my whole day is hindered by it.  I have learned to be thankful for each day that I wake up without a headache.  Even with those days I have pain, I know that God still loves me, and He cares about what happens to me.  Many times, He will give me the strength and peace to push through.  Is it easy?  No, it isn't but we have to learn to manage ourselves and navigate through the struggles.

So how can we better deal with our struggles?  Let me give you some ideas from my experience which could help you during those times when your struggles are real.

  • Positive music - I like to look for new music which uplifts me and inspires me.  I can't tell you how many times when I've needed a new song to sing that I have found it.  
  • Talk about your struggles - Even if it's only talking to God about it, it's a whole lot better than not talking about it.  It's helpful to talk to others who totally understand what you are going through.  If you have that person, don't be afraid to talk about what you are struggling with. 
  • Help someone else - There are so many times that when I have helped someone else out that it is helped me as well.  Look for opportunities to help others.  We aren't the only ones struggling and we can be God's hand to help others.
  • Never give up - This is the MOST important advice I could give you.  Always remember that a bad day doesn't mean you have a bad life.  Push through and keep moving forward and never give up.
No, life isn't always easy but we still must live it and live it the best we can and help others along the way.  A line from the song "Overcomer" by Mandisa, she sings:

You're an overcomer
Stay in the fight 'til the final round
You're not going under (you're not going under)
'Cause God is holding you right now

Stay in the fight and keep the faith!