Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Using The Right Tools

I recently learned that I am 45-degree angle challenged.  It is something I never knew about myself.

This revelation came up when I helped my wife with a project to frame our bathroom mirrors.  It seemed pretty simple, just cut some mouldings that have 45-degree angles on the corners and fit them together like a puzzle.

Let me confess that I went through many pieces of mouldings and trips to Lowes.  We spent more than the amount suggested from someone in a YouTube video.

I knew well enough to know that to tackle a job, you have to have the right tools.  Sometimes you have to spend a little more to get the right tool.  At first, I went cheap and bought a miter box with a hand saw.  Well, that didn't last long.  I went back and invested in a Mitre saw.  Even with that, it was still a challenge.  It's not always easy being me.  

Eventually, I was able to complete the project.

The same thinking about this project could also apply to our thoughts about eternity.  We don't like to think about it.  We ignore it or we put it off but it's coming for all of us one day.

For me, Jesus is the only way.  It has always been and always will be.  He told us that He is the only way and that He is preparing a place for us.  The most popular verse in the Bible tells us that God loved us so much that He sent his son to die for our sins and if we believe in Him that we will have eternal life.

I know that's a lot of "preaching" in that last paragraph, but the question is:  what "tools" are you using to prepare for your eternity?  Some choose not to believe while others assume that just being a good person in this life is enough. 

We all need to be sure about the tools we are using to prepare for it.

I see countless videos where people are promoting hate through religion.  I heard one preacher call people "filth" for what they are doing.  Where is the Good News in that?  Where is the positive message about a God that loves us?  It's not about electing the right politician or political party - it is about what we decide about eternity.

Just like with the tools I bought for my project; you have to decide how much you are willing to invest to get it right.  Ignoring our plans for eternity isn't a good plan.  As I approach the later years of my life, I am more mindful of eternity now than before.  I want to have the right tools to prepare myself and those I care about.  

So, what are the right tools?  What you do with Jesus is the only thing you need.  Many like to throw their beliefs or even attending a church on top of that.  When Jesus encountered the woman at the well, He never told her to go to a church or list 10 things she needed to do.  He only told her that HE is the living water.  He wasn't talking literally but spiritually.  

What tools are you using to prepare for your eternity?  Don't ignore it or use cheap materials to prepare for it.  As I gather up the wasted pieces of moulding and tools that didn't work on my project, I am reminded of all those things in my life I thought were the right tools.  We need to throw out the clutter and be serious about our eternity.