Saturday, June 24, 2023

I Have A "Wait" Problem!

I don’t like to wait. I’ve always been this way but somehow in my life I have never been able to eliminate the waiting process.

The Apostle Tom Petty once said, “waiting is the hardest part.”

Okay, Tom Petty wasn’t really an apostle but it’s still an appropriate quote.

Right now, I am waiting. Waiting on an answer about a job opportunity. I’m doing my best to stay strong while I am waiting.

Many times, our prayers require some waiting. We don’t always get what we ask immediately. Sooner or later, we will understand what God means by soon isn't the same as what we think "soon" means. Soon is a strange word. How soon is soon?

We also learn that prayers aren’t demands upon a celestial genie who grants our wishes immediately and in the way we want them. Most of my most urgent prayers have required some waiting time. God has His own timing. He does whatever He wants however He wants to do it and He isn't going to share it with us. He loves us and His perspective is much more than what we see. Waiting isn’t some form of torture but is God’s plan working together for us. Behind the scenes He is aligning the people and circumstances in our lives. We can’t see it and we can’t control it which is probably a good thing.

People like to talk about the patience of Job but have you really read the Book of Job? Yes, he definitely trusted God but he wasn't always patient about the process. God had to remind him who he was in the process. Sometimes we have to get to the place where we are reminded that He is God and we are not. We aren't always in control like we think we are.

I have learned that in the times I have prayed for people that they become long term prayers and that is because God won’t impose our prayers on anyone against their will. It takes time and circumstances to put that person in position to be affected by our prayers. That’s why we can’t give up praying for people in our lives. Praying for people takes a lot of patience.

It’s difficult to wait. I’m in that place right now. I don’t like it but this is where I am. The only way we get good at waiting is by waiting. We have to know that these times will come and be prepared for it.

I don’t have a magical formula for waiting that will make it any easier. There is no shortcut or any secret Jabez-like prayers that will make waiting any less painful. God has His reasons. Trust during the process and be patient while He works it out. It's probably a good thing that He doesn't share with us what He's doing, or we would surely mess it up.

“Trust in God’s timing. It’s better to wait a while and have things fall into place, than to rush and have things fall apart.”—Adam Cappa