Tuesday, January 16, 2024

What Season Are You In?

Right now, there is snow on the ground outside.  I like the snow, but I don't like the cold or the inconveniences which are caused by the snow.   Honestly, winter is my least favorite time of the year.  I do not like the months of January or February for that reason.  

As I look in our backyard today, it is amazing to see how it changes with each season.  It is full of snow and ice right now and the trees have no leaves but, in the summer, it is alive with grass and the trees are in full bloom. 

A friend on Facebook recently posted how he is being blessed in this season of his life.  That made me think a lot about our lives and how it is much like the seasons in nature.  We all go through the changes of life.

There was a time when I would wake up and nothing would hurt.  There are days now when I get up and wonder why a part of my body is suddenly hurting and how long that pain is going to last.  I am not as young in body as I used to be, and my mind doesn't always comprehend that.  There are times when I THINK I can do something, but my body doesn't agree with my mind.   

It's funny how things change as we get older.  Seasons in our life changes and we must be able to adapt to those changes.  We don't have to stop living but we trust God to help us in the season that we are in.

There was a time in my life where my career defined me.  I wanted to be a star in my career field, and I achieved that for a period of time.  I was on top of my game and people looked up to me and valued my place.  This is no longer true today and I am okay with that.   I no longer have to be tops on my career.  I have been there and done there.  Looking back, do you know what that got me?  More work!  So, now I am content with just being a dependable employee and doing my job.  

Just as in the four seasons in nature, there are four seasons that change in our lives:

  1. Our minds
  2. Our bodies
  3. Our vocation
  4. Our eternity
As we transition to one season of our lives to another, the way we think about things changes.  What was once important to us in our 20s is no longer important to use in our 60s.  When we are younger, we don't think about ourselves 30 or 40 years ahead.  Our minds tend to think that we will always be where we are and that we have plenty of time.  When you get into a later season in your life, you realize that time passed by so quickly and you begin to appreciate the things you didn't realize you should have more when you were younger.  

As I stated above, the one thing that is difficult for me to adjust to is the changes in my body.  Things don't always work the way they used to.  Although I have been blessed to not have any major health issues, there are many things that are not what they used to be.  It's sad to see young couples today who put their looks as the main attraction but looks fade no matter how hard you fight it.  If there's one thing, I wish I could tell young couples who are "in love" is that the MOST important thing is that they should be friends more than any physical attraction.  

Our identity should not be our jobs.  You and I are MORE than our jobs.  When you retire, the job will move on with someone else.  A couple of years ago I retired from a successful 30-year career.  Suddenly that part of my life was over.  But retiring doesn't mean you no longer have worth.  Too often we judge people on what they do instead of who they are.  Be content on being YOU. 

When we get into the latter seasons of our life, we think more about our eternity.   I constantly wonder if I have done enough.  I can think of so many other things I need to do.  The important thing is to have assurance of our eternal security.  When Jesus left this earth, He said that He was going to prepare a place for us, and He would bring us there.  I want to be ready for that day when it comes.  

In thinking about the seasons of life I didn't mean for this blog to be sad or depressing.  It shouldn't be.  It should be something that we realize is reality and live the best life we can live in ALL of our seasons.  Accept the changes that come and continue to LIVE.